Trade Marks
We represent Clients in all types of cases concerning the execution of rights to trade marks, in particular to infringement protection. We possess a wealth of experience relating to submitting all kinds of trade marks, including, for example, company names and logos, and also atypical trade marks, such as marks that are colours or constitute the shape of the packaging or product. Should a company wish to entrust the registration of their trade mark to a professional, the assistance of a patent attorney would prove useful. Securing the company name the registration of its logo are extremely important issues ensuring the legal protection of the company’s image. Submitting a trade mark requires a detailed listing of the goods and services that the applicant wishes to protect with this mark. The selection of this listing must, however, be carefully considered since, once the application is submitted to the Patent Office, it is not possible to add any items to the list. Our experienced team of specialized lawyers and patent attorneys assists our Clients in preparing such a listing of goods and services and submitting the trade mark.
We advise our Clients on the best strategy for the protection of their trade marks, after which we perform a registrability search of marks and due diligence with respect to intellectual property. We ensure a full legal service regarding the process of registering trade marks, including submitting trade marks in the national (Polish Patent Office – UPRP), European (European Union Intellectual Property Office – EUIPO, formerly OHIM) and international (World Intellectual Property Office – WIPO) systems. Importantly, with entry into force of Regulation 2015/2424 on 23 March 2016, amending the regulation concerning the community trade mark, the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM) was transformed into the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and the community trade mark became the European Union trade mark.
By cooperating with foreign law offices, we are able to process the application and registration of a trade mark anywhere in the world.
In order to ensure the proper protection of the trade marks in our Clients’ portfolios, we prepare regular research and monitor the registration of similar signs (i.e. we monitor and report on threats).
The Law Office team has many years’ experience in the valuation of trade marks, designs, technologies and other elements of intellectual property. We also make valuations of both product and company brands.
The Managing Partner and Founder of the KONDRAT and Partners Law Office is patent attorney, European patent attorney and attorney Dr Mariusz Kondrat, the author of many publications and a speaker at many conferences in the field of industrial property rights, including above all, issues related to the registration of trade marks. The trade mark application is crucial in a situation where a business depends on reserving the name and logo of the company; for this reason. our patent attorneys are ready to assist our Clients in this kind of situation.