Zuzanna Kowalkiewicz Graduate from the Faculty of Chemistry – specialisation in Marine and Atmospheric Chemistry at the University of Gdańsk. Zuzanna completed her doctoral studies at the […]
Karol Majkowski Karol is a graduate from the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw and from the Italian Law School in cooperation […]
Łukasz Gil Łukasz is a graduate of the College of Law at the Kozminski University in Warsaw and of Cultural Studies (specialization “Theater, performance, spectacle”) at […]
Karolina Synowiec Karolina is a graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Kozminski University and British Law Centre at the University of Warsaw. […]
Michał Kubiś He received his doctorate from the Department of Power and Aeronautical Mechanical Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) and the Department of […]
Konrad Pyra Konrad is responsible for the efficient functioning of the administration of the Practice. He organizes the smooth course of work in the office by […]
Agnieszka Siwek Agnieszka is responsible for all matters relating to the administrative functioning of the Practice. Among other things, she is responsible for the company documentation, […]
Justyna Krupa Justyna is responsible for the smooth operation of the secretariat and for supporting the Partners and their teams in day-to-day administrative matters. She supervises […]
Patrycja Budziak A graduate of the English Philology Faculty in Warsaw. Her duties include preparation of documents for validation of European patents, payment of annuity fees, […]