Justyna Stefańczyk-Kaczmarzyk
Attorney-at-law, Partner
Justyna is the Head of the Life Sciences Department. She is a graduate of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Post-graduate Intellectual Property Rights Studies at the University of Warsaw, Post-graduate Studies of Competition Law at the Institute of Law Studies Polish Academy of Sciences and Tax Expert and Adviser Studies at the Tax Studies Institute Modzelewski and Partners. She is registered on the list of Legal Advisers in the Warsaw Bar Association.
Justyna has many years’ experience in providing legal services to companies in matters relating to pharmaceutical law, food law, intellectual property law, dietary supplement and cosmetics law and consumer and competition law. She also specializes in advertising and multimedia law, copyright and related rights law and data protection law. She represents Clients in court cases related to, among other things, unfair competition in common and administrative courts and in administrative proceedings before: the Chief Pharmaceutical Inspectorate (GIF), the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate (GIS), the Patent Office (UPRP), the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products (UPRL) and the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK). In addition, she conducts negotiations, mediations and arbitration cases. She continually advises entities in the pharmaceuticals and food stuffs businesses including responsible entities, pharmaceutical wholesalers and pharmacies with respect to the production, wholesale and retail trade, qualification, labelling and advertising of products.
She is the author of numerous articles in the daily press and in legal, medical and pharmaceutical publications. She has co-authored large industry publications, including: ‘Pharmaceutical Law: Commentary’ (Prawo farmaceutyczne. Komentarz) (Wolters Kluwer, 2016), ‘Dietary Supplement Law’ (Prawo Suplementów Diety) (Wolters Kluwer, 2013) and ‘Industrial Property Law, Compilation of Regulations, International Agreements Volume II’ (Prawo własności przemysłowe, Zbiór przepisów. Umowy Międzynarodowe. Tom II) (Wydawnictwo Prawo i Praktyka Gospodarcza, 2005), ‘Industrial Property Law. Commentary’ (Prawo własności przemysłowej. Komentarz) (Wolters Kluwer, 2021).
Justyna is often engaged as a speaker at conferences and training courses related to pharmaceutical law, food law and intellectual property law, including questions relating to: labelling and advertising of medicinal and food products, acts of unfair competition in the food and pharmaceutical industry, the application of off-label medicines, trade marks in the food and pharmaceutical industry, abuse of a dominant position and violation of collective consumer interests, parallel imports of medicinal products, patient’s rights, advertising of pharmacies, court proceedings regarding infringements of intellectual property rights and acts of unfair competition.
Justyna is recommended in Healthcare & Life science and Competition/antitrust by Legal 500.