On November 8, 2018 Magazyn Dermatologia i Kosmetologia published an article by Joanna Remus, attorney-at-law at KONDRAT & Partners law firm „Rights to a personal image – what is worth to know?”.
Doctors are frequently invited to various trainings, scientific conferences or symposiums. During those meetings the speakers present their scientific work, broaden their knowledge, exchange their experience, and gain new skills. The information is presented on slides, papers, or multimedia presentations. It often happens that all those materials are published in press or social media, that may entail high risks.
The whole publication is available on Magazine’s website (in Polish only): https://medph.pl/2018/11/08/przetwarzanie-wizerunku-co-warto-wiedziec/?fbclid=IwAR1HLjj_JMHbbfUYiOmrreCWW4e3bB6xy4sxXQ-5YFMHnmPd_jVFo1VYhOc
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