On October 27, 2018 Dominika Chrabańska, an advocate at KONDRAT & Partners law firm spoke about „Exclusion of law from healthcare programmes” in terms of the 6th edition of Healthcare Leaders project, where our law firm is a legal partner. The project is organised by Lesław A. Paga Foundation.
The Foundation organises free-of-charge trainings for scholars during weekends conducted by the experts of the healthcare sector: medical services, pharmaceuticals and new technologies. The culmination of the project will be 2-months paid internship in partnering firms such as KONDRAT & Partners, inter alia.
The ceremony launching the project will take place in the Warsaw Stock Exchange premises on October 29, 2018.
More about the project: http://paga.org.pl/projekty/liderzy-ochrony-zdrowia/vi-edycja-liderow-ochrony-zdrowia?lang=en
More about the Foundation: http://paga.org.pl/en/about/?lang=en
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