On 2nd January 2019 Rzeczpospolita published an article by KONDRAT & Partners’ experts: Ewa Niesiobędzka-Krause, a partner and patent attorney and Grzegorz Patek, tax and legal advisor „Innovation Box – the new tax relief in PIT and CIT since January 2019”.
Since January 2019 the firms can benefit from taxation on intellectual property. However it is not going to be easy to adapt the new reliefs due to the tax restrictions and conditions.
The whole publication is available on Rzeczpospolita’s website (in Polish only): https://www.rp.pl/Podatek-dochodowy/301029995-Innovation-Box—nowa-ulga-w-PIT-i-CIT-od-1-stycznia-2019.html
Photo source: www.shutterstock.com
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