Kancelaria KONDRAT i Partnerzy po raz kolejny znalazła się na liście najlepszych kancelarii o specjalizacji „znaki towarowe” w międzynarodowym rankingu World Trademark Review WTR1000 w dwóch kategoriach:
– Trademarks: enforcement and litigation
– Trademarks: prosecution and strategy
Indywidualnie zostali wyróżnieni dr Mariusz Kondrat oraz Ewa Niesiobedzka-Krause.
A oto co napisali o nas twórcy rankingu:
„Impressive, highly experienced and immensely knowledgeable” is the verdict on KONDRAT i Partnerzy. Its practitioners have embraced a collaborative culture, working hand in glove to assist start-ups, SMEs and conglomerates across the trademark spectrum. On the non-contentious front, it has recently been registering rights for P4, one of the country’s top three telecommunications providers; and strategising for Polish-American pharmaceutical company US Pharmacia. (…) Another noteworthy highlight is its work for a local cosmetics producer, whose marks are now registered and protected in the European Union, Canada, Oman, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Yemen. This feat was accomplished by Ewa Niesiobędzka-Krause, “a reliable lawyer” who gracefully navigates any contentiousdivide.”
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