Kolejny ważny międzynarodowy ranking za nami i kolejne wyróżnienia, z których się niezmiernie cieszymy. World Trademark Review 2020 nagrodził w tym roku dr Mariusza Kondrata oraz Ewę Niesiobędzką-Krause.
A oto co napisali analitycy o kancelarii i naszych ekspertach:
„Registering violet as a brand color for leading telecoms company PLAY was the showstopping moment of the year for the expanding team of highly skilled IP rights specialists at KONDRAT & Partners. With few colors registered at the Polish Patent Office, this marked a significant coup for the company and its client. The architect behind this outstanding achievement was managing partner and pharmaceutical and life sciences doyen Mariusz Kondrat – “an experienced and reliable adviser who is responsible for handling the most impressive trademark portfolios”. Co-captain of the trademark department and renowned author Ewa Niesiobędzka-Krause recently teamed up with Kondrat to handle potential actions and unfair competition analysis for global cosmetics company Avon.”
Lista wyróżnionych polskich prawników: https://www.worldtrademarkreview.com/directories/wtr1000/rankings/poland
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